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Un interesante artículo Crítico

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Un interesante artículo Crítico Empty Un interesante artículo Crítico

Mensaje  Artaban Miér Jun 17, 2009 11:43 pm

Encontre este artículo en ingles, me parecio interesante el punto de vista.

Bueno se los dejo para q lo reflexionen :

The Revolution is Within

The Problem with SL Gor.

Posted in Problem with Gorean RP, Warrior Code by vajrakrishna on May 21, 2009

The problem with SL Gor is that it assumes and translates the books to be static, without realising that Gor only works in dynamic space! It is often forgotten that even by strict storyline in most of the Gor books, Tarl Cabot (the Gorean archetype – or the representation of everything that is Gor) is beckoned to Gor, and he returns (seemingly once every 1000 Gorean years) for one reason alone – TO CREATE A REVOLUTION!

That is; nearly each story in the book is about how Gor had become stagnant and is forgetting the meaning of what it is to be Gorean when Tarl Cabot returns to revitalise them, revolutionise them, and get them to remember their honor. Each story was about returning the HONOR to Gor.

People who roleplay Gor forget this. They forget the dynamic nature of it – they take every rule spoken by a Gorean in the book to be an unwavering code. Firstly, that is a fallacy. There are several rules within Gor that Tarl fights against because he feels it is against everything that is Gor! A little insight is required if one is to take the essence of Gor and apply it into their own lives. One needs to understand the nature of Tarl Cabot.

Tarl Cabot even questioned the Priest Kings, the prolific “Gods” that oversaw the land – the very beings that were thought to bring him in to Gor, his adherance to honor was so very intact that even when a Priest King stepped out of line, Tarl fought for what is right – creating an entire transformation. Tarl Cabot’s Gor was never about the rules! In applying these Gorean situations to roleplay, one must understand that honor is paramount. One must be illuminating in transforming Gor into RP.

But humans for the most part, and in general, don’t like to do that – they would rather be literal, unthinking, and create a mass of bricks and walls to represent what Gor is to them. It becomes more about the look of it, the sake of appearances, rather than the HEART of it. The heart gets lipservice, nothing more.

And that, is why SL Gor does not work for most folks. Oh, they may insist that it does, but I have seen its functionality, studied the history of it for several years – when they insist that it does work, it is merely a lie they tell themselves.

You may say that most cities in SL Gor are disney (they do not stick to the books). I have seen the birth of so many SL Gor cities, as well as their imminent demise. And each time a city was born, its creators swore that this would be the first City true to Gor. And each time, unflinchingly, they would make the same mistakes as their predecessors. It becomes obvious after repeated error that sticking to the surface of a book is not the solution. As a result, the creators of the city start to bend their own rules, only to be accused of being disney. The problem is, rules should not have been the core of their philosophy to begin with.

Only a few Masters did I meet who knew the truth of what I speak – and they were able to make Gor a fulfilling experience, and are perhaps evolving still today, taking the essence of Gor to new heights – understanding fully that the book is a stepping stone – an insight into the state of mind. It is not a book of laws – it is a book of revolutions.

Make no mistake, nowhere here do I mention that one should make things up, that one should fabricate according to their every whim an idea of Gor that has nothing to do with Gor itself! I am saying – REMEMBER THE ESSENCE! Apply it! Do not make it a bunch of laws! It will not work. Because it will not be adaptive to every situation – it will be stagnant, unyielding, and ultimately, unenlightening.

Yes, there are laws, but they are secondary! First, there is honor! And honor cannot be a law! There must be honor among men of steel, and honor within the heart of the kajira. This sort of honor is kindled. You can’t write a law that all men should be honorable and expect to validate it! That’s why SL Gor does not work. Steps must be taken to create an environment that encourages and enthuses honor among the society. Then, it is Gorean. Otherwise, it is a piece of dung not worthy of even being called Disney.

People are too concerned with appearances – on how things are named and called, when it is actually meaningless to one’s transformative experience of Gor. It is foolishness. Gor evolves! One must understand this. The books clearly reveal it! You need to be aware that in applying Gor to a lifestyle (something John Norman clearly never intended), a few questions need to be asked about functionality. It is the obvious and rational step to take.

But questions of functionality are not being asked! Rulers or creators of a City are not discussing and pondering from their past mistakes exactly which part of John Norman’s Gor can be translated into a lifestyle, and exactly which part needs some holes filled in, so that one can stay true to the essence of Gor. Instead we have slaves quoting books! Utterly ridiculous!

If we are to have rules, then first rule is that the slave who ventures to quote a book shall have her throat slit. For nothing is less Gorean! Goreans do not interest themselves in the thinking of slaves! And that is another reason why SL Gor does not work. A Gorean does not bargain with slaves – yet SL Gor is full of this bargaining, happening each and every second.

But mostly, SL Gor does not work because the slavegirl is a modern day human woman sitting behind the safety of a computer screen treating Gor as – fantasy roleplay. In most cases, this would be the accurate situation; The slavegirl actually does not fear the imminence of death that exists on Gor – it is just words on the screen!

AND FOR THIS REASON YOU CANNOT DIRECTLY TRANSLATE THE BOOKS! Because you are dealing with humans roleplaying Goreans! Not Goreans being Goreans. So, you must adapt – to intergrate the one facet that wasn’t in the books – a city full of humans feigning Goreanism. For this reason, it becomes imperative to inspire honor in the roleplayers – to take them through scenarios, to reward it. Only in that way can we kindle human RPers to get into the Gorean mind. That may be the only solution to making Gor work as a lifestyle or a roleplay.

Cantidad de envíos : 773
Fecha de inscripción : 24/05/2009
Localización : Perú


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Un interesante artículo Crítico Empty Re: Un interesante artículo Crítico

Mensaje  Invitado Jue Jun 18, 2009 9:32 am

Interesante, te lo rebatiria, pero en ingles me cuesta demasiado. Wink


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Un interesante artículo Crítico Empty Re: Un interesante artículo Crítico

Mensaje  Invitado Jue Jun 18, 2009 12:57 pm

Interesante es, sin duda, es una critica en esencia a que no podemos esperar hacerlo todo perfecto segun los libros, lo cual yo tambien creo que es cierto. Tambien critica que se cometen los mismo fallos una y otra vez, y tambien estoy de acuerdo.

Lo que no estoy de acuerdo es que defienda que somos personas humanas terrestres detras de un ordenador y no goreanos y que por eso no podemos tener mentalidad goreana. Tan dificil es? es solo interpretar un papel como una actriz. Yo no digo de llegar a ser los perfectos goreanos, pero al menos intentar entender el mundo de gor desde nuestro personaje.

El tema de que incluso Tarl viene a revolucionar Gor... pues si, cierto, cada cosa que hace va en contra de todos y de todo lo establecido en Gor, pero a lo largo de los libros en los que aparece, se ve como su mentalidad va cambiando y ya no va haciendo cosas de terrestre por ahi sino que se hace mas goreano con el paso del tiempo. Aparte, cuantas veces hemos dicho que aqui nadie somos Tarl?

La evoucion de gor que defiende en realidad es ambigua porque no dice nada, pero advierte de que no se caiga en preconizar el lifestyle y en eso tambien estoy de acuerdo. Sims de este estilo, muy btb, pierden la perpectiva al final.

Y lo que estoy de acuerdo totalmente y me parece muy acertado es cuando hace mencion a que no es cuestion de montones de leyes con prohibiciones de lo que debes hacer y lo que no, si no de asumir la esencia de gor, como lo llama el.

No deja de ser una opinion, aunque creo que muy acertada en muchos puntos, se nota que este tio ha estado tiempo en GOR-SL y ha visto bastantes cosas y ni se va a un extremo ni al otro.


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Un interesante artículo Crítico Empty Re: Un interesante artículo Crítico

Mensaje  möno Jue Jun 18, 2009 1:08 pm

tienes razon lidia.
yo añadiré algo
a ver si es el hombre que siempre has buscado en gor?

Cantidad de envíos : 1137
Fecha de inscripción : 21/05/2009

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Un interesante artículo Crítico Empty Re: Un interesante artículo Crítico

Mensaje  Artaban Jue Jun 18, 2009 4:32 pm

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa habia escrito un monton y no cargo la sgte pagina ODIOOOOO la INTERNETTTTT


Cantidad de envíos : 773
Fecha de inscripción : 24/05/2009
Localización : Perú


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Un interesante artículo Crítico Empty Re: Un interesante artículo Crítico

Mensaje  Invitado Jue Jun 18, 2009 5:06 pm

Artaban escribió:WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa habia escrito un monton y no cargo la sgte pagina ODIOOOOO la INTERNETTTTT


Juassss, el primer post de Artaban de una sola linea. Jajaja paciencia nene, seguro que recuerdas todo lo que querias decir y puedes volver a escribirlo.


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Mensaje  Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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